2023 Sustainability skills survey - summary

The 2023 IET Skills Survey: UK Summary examines the UK’s ambition to be a world leader in Artificial Intelligence and sustainability and is part of a broader report outlining the international sustainability skill sector. The product of surveying over 2000 employers around the globe, the survey examined the attitudes, skills, and technologies needed to reach net zero.
The report underlines the difficulties UK employers face in acquiring the skills they need to deliver their sustainability strategies. The results show UK employers are missing an opportunity on digitalisation and net zero.
An important factor in the country achieving this goal will be the adoption of a ‘whole system’ outlook and mindset to ensure the UK has the skills to be internationally competitive.
The report also underscores the importance of an effective industrial strategy and highlights a lack of industry confidence in the UK’s education pipeline, with recommendations for greater collaboration between academia and industry, including targeted placements in areas of critical skill deficit.